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It’s been a minute since I’ve clicked the keys together with blogging in mind. So much of me misses it with every cell in my body but it also scares me. People say chase your dreams, well my dreams chased me. Everywhere I went I was reminded what I should be doing and where my heart, above all else, really was. The worst part about dreams is they require a leap of faith, ultimately in yourself and shear confidence in your abilities. It was never easy for me to recognize the good in myself but it was second nature for me to see the good in others. So that’s where I took my time and attention. I threw myself into jobs, classes, relationships, and everything else to believe in someone elses dream and potential because it was far less scary than believing in my own. That gave me 5 silent years trying to run from what I always wanted to do for fear of failure and paralyzed what people would think of me.

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