If you know me, it’s a known fact that I am a purse-oholic. Ever since I remember I have always, above anything else, had a weak spot for a good handbag. My backpack, lunch box, pencil bag, computer bag, travel bag… Whatever “bag” it might be, causes me to lose any ability for reason. And don’t even get me started if it’s on sale… I wanted to share some of my favorite Amazon handbags finds under $40 to show you can get a great handbag without spending a ton of money.
Having this handbag obsession, I’ve gone through my fair share of all kinds of bags. Low-end, luxury, pre-loved, poorly made, China Town finds, garage sale, the back of my mom’s closet, department store, Target, thrift stores, everywhere! That being said I’ve found surprises and disappointments and how the price doesn’t always correlate to quality. I am also a big believer in trying trends out before really diving in (ex: buying a cheaper version before investing in a more pricey option) to make sure you really like it. I’m also one of those people that would rather have 10 bags than just 1 (unless I am getting an investment piece). I love having different options, so budget-friendly bags are usually my home base because I love changing things up!
I took some of the most common places we find ourselves at and what [affordable] bags would be perfect for the occasion! You are able to shop anything by clicking the item directly on the photo or the sliding bar below!
You need to dress up and thinking about what bag to pair… This is probably where most people get hung up on what purse fits with a look. You have a few options: match, be subtle or pop. When choosing which to do, think about what you want people to see first or focus on. Your killer outfit? Your fabulous shoes? The bag itself?
Accessories can make a huge impression and really pull a look together! Never underestimate what a good pair of shoes or a great bag can do. For date night, I usually lean towards a pop of red and gravitate towards a LBD (little black dress). That’s just my M.O. But there’s always room for a stunning nude bag, pop of animal print, or some sparkle. If you’re going to a gala or somewhere a little fancier, have fun with your bag!! Switch it up! The beauty of budget-friendly bags is if they are sitting at the back of your closet for some time, you don’t feel completely terrible about it. (Anyone else have that logic? Haha!)
Everyday bags is easily what I have the most of. I find it fun to switch it up all the time, which I know can be some people’s nightmares. My mom thinks I am crazy to change my “everyday” bag when I’m not using it every day. Depending on the day, outfit, mood, season, or whatever it is I’m sporting something different. There is also a range of functions needed for what is involved in your day. If I’m running around doing errands, I’m not going to carry the same bag I would if I’m shopping with my mom.
In history, handbags have been a vital piece of women’s fashion and men even more so. Clothing was not made with pockets until the 17th century so it was very common that men were the ones with the “coin purses” and sporting the bags to hold their daily belongings. It wasn’t until later that women adopted the trend of carrying her belongings with her in a pocket purse. They would attach handles to pockets to make a bag! We have come a long way since then. Today we have an abundance of options from where you are going, what you need to carry, and what color is the “trend.”
Work bags are so personal and depends so much on what you do! If you are a 9-5 corporate girl, you might need a different bag than the self-employed girl boss who is on the go. With that said, you are usually carrying a lot more when work is involved. You need a bigger and more functional bag to get you through the day without a headache. Amazon also has an amazing bag organizer inserts that keep everything in its place. Click here to see!
I hope you found this post helpful and saw a few bags that caught your eye! The secret to this is keeping the $$$ on the low side. I’d rather have 10 choices under $50 than one expensive bag to choose from. Now, I’m all about investing in that dream bag you can’t get out of your head and work towards that (I do that too)! But I also love options and never too good for a deal.
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